
Showing posts from June 28, 2021

Hakuna Matata and Happy birthday

  They say every birthday matter, but do they? well certainly I'm not here to debate it, it is actually depend on a certain individual to take it. For some people it does really matter, but for some it don't. For those who has lot's of money they can throw lavish party to celebrate their birthday, and for those who don't they just do the celebration in a way they can or sometimes they don't even celebrate it at all. But does the birthday matter to them? certainly it does. Some people don't even care of the birthday, yes this kind of people do exist.. many of them doesn't even bother to remember your birthday hence say happy birthday to you. Birthday is just another regular day, nothing special on that day nor anyone will treat you special on that particular day. Do these kind of people who doesn't care about birthday will care for one another? Trust me they do! Just not on birthday. Each of individual will act differently regarding birthday especially if

Sushi in Osaka

One thing I like about Japan is the food. I love Japanese food especially Sushi. And at that particular time I was in Osaka, strolling around Shinsekai in the evening. Stumbling across sushi restaurant. It was perfect time for dinner by the way. I went in, and everybody was Japanese. No tourist at all... All menu written in Japanese with no pictures. I was stumble from page to page but smile at the same time, feels like hey this is what I'm looking for. I'm in Japan, I should get along with what the country has to offer.  The waiter came and place the warm towel on my table, without I'm asking he poured the Japanese hot tea. He handed me two towel, one for my face another one for my hand. In Japan hospitality industry really taking care of their customers.  Japanese people are very polite, they know I'm in confusion about the menu, one of the customers offer me translation for the menu. Not for long the waiter came again and explain what's in the menu with his very