Hakuna Matata and Happy birthday


They say every birthday matter, but do they? well certainly I'm not here to debate it, it is actually depend on a certain individual to take it. For some people it does really matter, but for some it don't. For those who has lot's of money they can throw lavish party to celebrate their birthday, and for those who don't they just do the celebration in a way they can or sometimes they don't even celebrate it at all. But does the birthday matter to them? certainly it does.

Some people don't even care of the birthday, yes this kind of people do exist.. many of them doesn't even bother to remember your birthday hence say happy birthday to you. Birthday is just another regular day, nothing special on that day nor anyone will treat you special on that particular day. Do these kind of people who doesn't care about birthday will care for one another? Trust me they do! Just not on birthday. Each of individual will act differently regarding birthday especially if they grew up with no birthday celebration in their lives nor treating birthday as a special day. They value life and love one another in a different way. 

Nothing is guaranteed in life, so to speak to a birth in the first place is remarkable, to cling to the past date of it takes away from regarding the preciousness of the moment. Our calendar days are just a tracking system started on some random day closer to now as opposed to the distant eons long past. Examine if you want to give it any weight or not.

So, if somebody didn't wish you happy birthday on your birthday don't be sad. Doesn't mean they don't care about you. They still love you in their own way they know how. Hakuna matata..

You gotta put your past behind you. Bad things happened and you can't do anything about it, right? - wrong, when the world turn their back on you, you turn your back on them! - Timon



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