
My two boys

Kampret and booby, they are my cat, kucing in Bahasa Indonesia mean cat. Kucingku means My cat. So yeah.. 

Kampret was adopted by my mother, he was wandering on the street nearby and following my mother going home. He seems to like our home, once he got to our home he just sat there and refuse to leave. So we decided to adopt him. We bath him, clean him thoroughly and feed him. And since that day, he stayed and feels like home already. That's how we got him. 

Booby was a very small kitten, he was thrown out by his owner children and was abused by neighbourhood kids on the street. He injured his right front leg and can't walk straight. Poor booby...
We saw him on the street that day being played by the kids and once we saw him he meowing to us like a very hungry kitten, we can't help but bring him home and feed him. He drank lots and lots of water and keep meowing, after we feed him he got quiet and fell asleep. He doesn't want to go so we decided to keep him and take care of his injury. Soon he became a very active little kitten. 

Kampret was happy to have him, now he has friends to play with. From that day on they become a brother. Just look at those cute faces and people are melt. 

Love them!!



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