
Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima prefecture in Japan. With estimated population of 1,196,274.  Hiroshima has many interesting places to see, including the most famous Atomic bomb dome. On 6th August 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the remains of the building still stand today. 

There are also many museums in Hiroshima, including the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, it has draws many visitors from all over the world. 

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, which includes the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, especially for the Hiroshima peace memorial ceremony, an annual commemoration held on the date of the atomic bombing. The park also contains a large collection of monuments. The Children's Peace Monument, is a peace monument to commemorate Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who became widely known through the story of the one thousand paper cranes she folded before her death, up to this day she is a symbol of the innocent victims of nuclear warfare. Children's memorial is for child victims of nuclear and conventional war.

School children visiting the memorial park, it is very common in Japan the students going for school outing and doing outdoors activities such as visiting park, temple, museums, etc for educational purpose.

The Children's Peace Monument, is a peace monument to commemorate Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who became widely known through the story of the one thousand paper cranes she folded before her death, up to this day she is a symbol of the innocent victims of nuclear warfare. Children's memorial is for child victims of nuclear and conventional war.

Bell of Peace

We dedicate this bell as a symbol of Hiroshima aspiration, Let all nuclear arms and wars be gone and the nations live in true peace! May it ring to all corners of the arth to meet the ear of every man, for in it throb and palpitate the hearts of its peace- loving donors. So may you, too, friends, step forward, and toll this bell for peace! 

By Hiroshima Higan-No-Kai, September 20th, 1964.

Autumn scenery at Hiroshima peace memorial park, beautiful leaves everywhere. 

Japanese are very polite, mindfulness of other kind of people. You will see a lot of smiling faces everywhere you go in Japan, including in Hiroshima. No hate towards the US upon the deadly bombing the beloved city, no hate to anyone, all they have is peace and love. They welcome visitor dearly! 


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