
Showing posts from 2018

Bandungan and Candi Kedung Songo

Semarang is the capital of Central Java, it is really worth a visit if you are in Central Java. Many hidden gem to explore. Bandungan is one of them! At an altitude of 900 meters above the sea level, Bandungan is a resort on the slope of Mount Ungaran, Semarang Regency. In the surrounding area you will get an amazing scenery of the lowlands with beautiful fields, mountains, lake, and mesmerizing landscape.  Sunrise at the slope of Mount Ungaran, over looking Mount Merbabu When photography is your passion, over the sun and the moon you go! Gedong Songo temple, the oldest Hindu temple in Central Java, along with Arjuna temple in Dieng Plateau Holding the sun, oh whatta joy! Peace and serenity it is! The view of Mount Merbabu and Merapi View of twin volcanoes in Central Java; Mount Sindoro and Sumbing

Dieng Plateau

Place you shouldn't missed if you visit Indonesia! Indonesia is hot and humid, well most part of it, but Dieng Plateau is an exception. Located in two regency, Wonosobo and Banjarnegara regency in Central Java, Indonesia. The temperature in this area is much cooler than other part of Central Java. With fresh air, it can be really cold in the evening and in the morning with temperature below 4 °C, some ice dew appear sometimes. Here are some nice pictures of Dieng plateau. Beautful view of Telaga warna (colorful lake), Dieng Plateau Sunrise in Sikunir, woken up at 4am and went for 30 minutes hike up the hill to get this wonderful view of the Indonesian sunrise, worth it!!!! Sikidang crater (Kawah Sikidang), the volcanic heat in this crater spewing steam and hydrogen sulfide.