
Showing posts from 2012

Words of the day

Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, you know what's even scarier? "Regret" What is regret ? a feeling of sadness, repentance or disapointment over something that has happened or been done. The feeling of sadness and seems no way to overcome. People made mistakes, made wrong decision, denied that regret will come later, but no matter how hard we tried at the end of the day regret is still there and will be the only feeling that remain. So do what you want to do, do what makes you happy, do what you longing to do, say what you wanna say and let the words fall out honesty. And remember, you are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you don't say.                                                                           There's a saying "Money say; earn me, forget everything." "Time says; follow me, forget everything." "Future says; struggle for me, forget everything." "God simply says; just remember

Europa-Park, Rust · Baden Wuerttemberg · Germany

Europa-Park is the most popular seasonal theme park in the world. This theme park is the largest theme park in Germany and a third most popular theme park resort in Europe. Europa-Park is located in Rust, in the south-west of Germany between Freiburg and Strasbourg, France.  Entrance Euromaus Europa-Park has very high capacity rollercoasters, it has eleven roller coasters. It splits into fifteen different areas, they named it after European countries. Unlike Disneyland who has Mickey mouse as a maskot, Europa-park has a grey mouse named "Euromaus" as it maskot. Alpenexpress Mine Train Europa-park open in summer season from before Easter until the beginning of November and winter season from the end of November to the second week in January. We visit the theme park just before the closing of winter season, there were not too crowded of visitors during this season of visit. But not all roller coaster available due to the cold weather. But it was

Mie goreng (Indonesian fried noodle)

Mie goreng (Indonesian fried noodle)is one of popular dish in Indonesia. This simple home made noodle dish is so tasty and easy to make. You can alter the dishes with some vegetable or meat you desire. You can also put fried egg on top or serve together with Indonesian shrimp cracker ;) Ingredients : ♦ 1 pack noodle ♦ 3 cloves garlic ♦ 2 shallots or ¼ of small red onion ♦ 2 pieces of green/red chilli (cut into small ring) ♦ 1 tbs cooking oil ♦ ¼ cup soya sauce ♦ Pinch of salt and pepper ♦ Carrot (shredded) ♦ Broccoli (boiled for 3 minutes, drained, set aside) ♦ Tomatoes (cut into pieces) ♦ Red/green pepper (cut into pieces) ♦ Egg (fry, set aside) Methods: 1. Bring the noodle to boil and cook until tender, rice noodle may take longer than yellow noodle. Drain the noodle and rinse with cold tap water. Sprinkle with little bit of oil. 2. Chopped garlic and shallot. Put oil in the frying pan, saute garlic and shallot till fragrance 3. Add chilli, carrot and pepper, stir

The Rheinaue (Freizeitpark Rheinaue, Bonn- Deutschland), Germany

Bonn, is the 19th largest city in Germany. It is located in Bonn region or Cologne. What I like most about Bonn is it owned large and beautiful leisure park, along with stunning lake. In winter where the temperature about -10°C and above, when there's no rain the lake will be frozen and a lot of people play ice skating on the frozen lake surrounded by the beautiful view of the park. And if the temperature around below -4°C, the ducks and swans swims on the lake and birds flying and playing around the park, It's really breathtaking! The area is located in the geographical heart of Bonn city area on both side of the Rhine, and with the Research Center Caesar and the Post Tower. The area is almost as large as the center of Bonn. In spring and summer time where the flowers bloomed and the trees begun to grow, it gives you the most beautiful view ever. Unfortunately I missed the moment, but here I want to share with all of you the beauty of Rheinaue of Bonn, Germany during winter


Schnitzel is a traditional Austrian dish, but it is also popular in Germany. I made this really delicious food when I was in Germany. Instead of pork or chicken, I use turkey as replacement and it is great combination to eat with mashed potato and broccoli. So I'm gonna share my experience with all of you. Cook Schnitzel is easy and it doesn't take a lot of time. Within 20-30 minutes, you can enjoy yummy Schnitzel of your own. Ingredients : ♦ 2 turkey cutlets ♦ 1 egg ♦ 1/2 cups breadcrumbs ♦ 1/2 cups all purposed/plain flour ♦ Cooking oil ♦ Pinch of salt and pepper ♦ 1/2 lemon,parsley for garnish(optional) Side dish: ♦ Broccoli (steam for 4 minutes, set aside) ♦ Mashed potato Methods : ♦ Clean turkey, pound for a bit, seasoned with salt and pepper. Beat egg in a bowl. put breadcrumb and flour on a plate separately. ♦ Roll turkey in flour, deep it in egg, then roll in breadcrumb ♦ Fry until golden brown ♦ When it ready put it on a plate and served with m